Viega Łuk 45° 15Mm Sanpress Z Sc-Contur (109332)


Press connector system with press connectors made of gunmetal, pipes made of stainless steel material Nos. 1.4401 and 1.4521 in acc. with DINEN 10088, DIN EN 10312, DVGW worksheet GW 541, system certification for connectors and pipes in acc. with DVGW worksheet W 534, for drinking water installations in acc. with DIN 1988. For dimensionally stable concealed and pre-wall installations of manifold and riser pipes in Viega component assembly.Press connectorsAll sizes with SC-Contur – connections, which remain unpressed become visible when the system is filled. The SC-Contur is certified and fulfils the requirements of DVGW worksheet W 534, point 12.14, connectors with forced leakage.During leakage tests with water, Viega guarantees the identification of unpressed connections in the pressure range 0.1 MPa-0.65 MPa, in the case of a dry leakage test with compressed air or noble gases from 22 hPa-0.3 MPa.MarkingGreen dot on the press connectionSealing elementsEPDM, black (ethylene-


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